On Saturday, Joe Biden became the President-Elect. And, that’s great. But, perhaps the best — or at least the funniest — news of the day was that current President Trump booked his press conference at the Four Seasons. No, not the hotel. The landscaping company.
To clarify, President Trump’s press conference will NOT be held at Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia.
It will be held at Four Seasons Total Landscaping— no relation with the hotel.— Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia at Comcast Center (@FSPhiladelphia) November 7, 2020
Four Seasons Total Landscaping, a woman-run business in Philadelphia has said that they’re saddened by the negative reviews they’ve gotten. And, that they “would have proudly hosted any presidential candidate’s campaign.”
The Trump campaign accidentally booking a press conference at something called Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia instead of the Four Seasons hotel they intended is such a perfectly dysfunctional way for this to end. The writers really outdid themselves. pic.twitter.com/ReBGskwOSq
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 7, 2020
But, based on all the tweets they’re retweeting… we have a feeling they might think this is as funny as we do. Here’s some they’ve shared, plus a few more for good measure. Also, can someone return our tape measure?
Four Seasons Landscaping. Now available for your Zoom backgrounds and VR furry parties.
1. Gritty knows best.
Our office lines are blowing up with calls from the conspiracy theorists! pic.twitter.com/byb9OBuccE
— Four Seasons Total Landscaping (@therealfstl1992) November 9, 2020
2. That Zoom beach background has got to go.
If you need a Four Seasons Total Landscaping zoom call background. pic.twitter.com/jcuJgpZwDX
— Dr. Allison Gill (@allisongill) November 9, 2020
3. Jim, you sly dog, you.
I want to know who it was at the Four Seasons Landscaping that
—answered the phone
—heard that the Trump campaign wanted to hold a press conference in his parking lot
—realized they had mistaken him for a hotel
—Looked at an invisible documentary camera
—said, “Absolutely.” pic.twitter.com/59kkvWfD4V— Josiah Hawthorne (@JosiahHawthorne) November 7, 2020
4. Can you make one of us too?
four seasons total landscaping local ad pic.twitter.com/AVf1rMGRrL
— Michael Spicer (@MrMichaelSpicer) November 9, 2020
5. Ok, but the gender reveal party has to be at the hotel.
In nine months a lot of baby girls are going to be named “Georgia” and “Four Seasons Total Landscaping.”
— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) November 8, 2020
6. We hear they’re great at removing sod.
On way my to get a brazillian at The Four Seasons Total Landscaping.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) November 8, 2020
7. Yes, hello?
I work at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in PA pic.twitter.com/cX6bIMkag8
— Christine Nangle (@nanglish) November 8, 2020
8. If you want a full rundown of how it went from a reporter who covered it.
What in the actual… pic.twitter.com/FbOio5ZZPA
— Richard Hall (@_RichardHall) November 7, 2020
9. Looks like they’re working on the rose garden already.
This has great potential for ad. slogans: –
• Build Your own Herbaceous-Border-Wall
• Restock the Rose Garden
• Win the Mid-Terms with a Hardy Biennial
— Alan Curtis (@Alan__Curtis) November 9, 2020
10. Camera TV.
Person Man Camera Dildo Shop
— Hamish Mitchell (@H_MitchellPhoto) November 8, 2020
11. Move over Simpsons, there’s a new iconic garage door.
The @BatwomanWriters room coming into the week like… pic.twitter.com/L2sKh9nvq5
— Natalie Abrams (@NatalieAbrams) November 9, 2020
12. Mafia style.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping don't mess around when somebody skips out on the bill.
— Joel M (@joelberg31) November 9, 2020
14. Ugh, spoiler alert.
Contact is the perfect movie for Four Seasons Total Landscaping memes, given that the big plot twist involves showing up at a second secret location https://t.co/6vfotId4KD
— Chris Taylor 🖋️ (@FutureBoy) November 9, 2020
15. Where is Kanye, anyway?
Look, the founders were very clear on this. If there’s *any* doubt whatsoever, the head of Four Seasons Landscaping Services in Philly, PA flips a coin, and Kanye calls it.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) November 9, 2020
16. Yes?
16. YUGE.
*WE’RE HIRING* more staff needed for HUGE job booked for early 2021. New customer wants us to start work on his rose garden commencing Jan 20th. We received photos of the site today. What. A. Mess.
— Four Seasons Total Landscaping (@TotalSeasons) November 9, 2020
17. And we thought we were going for Italian.
guys be like “i know a spot” and take you to four seasons total landscaping
— gary from teen mom (@garyfromteenmom) November 9, 2020
18. No, really.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping becomes a VRChat hangout for furries https://t.co/PZfNEtDiDt pic.twitter.com/eknICIvNnn
— The Verge (@verge) November 9, 2020
19. Their manager stand in when Karens show up.
— anne t donahue (@annetdonahue) November 8, 2020
20. There you have it.
I could write jokes for 800 years and I'd never think of something funnier than Trump booking the Four Seasons for his big presser, and it turning out to be the Four Seasons Total Landscaping parking lot between a dildo store and a crematorium. pic.twitter.com/P45HV1daD9
— Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) November 8, 2020
21. The poor hose.
This is not over. For we shall mount our righteous stand at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Next to Fantasy Island Adult Books. Across the street from the Delaware Valley Cremation Center. Between the fire extinguisher and yellow hose. #MAGA pic.twitter.com/hxuAsbEjXi
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) November 7, 2020
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