No matter what side of the aisle you voted on during 2022’s midterm elections, if there’s one thing we can all agree on: the relief we’re feeling now that the election calls and texts have finally stopped.
Now that the ballots have been cast for the candidates — and if you haven’t voted yet, stay in line — we can move on to laughing at these, the best midterm election memes and tweets that we could find. They don’t all star Steve Kornacki and his khaki pants, but they probably should.
The Funniest Midterm Election Memes and Tweets
1. Turns iPad around again.
2. Does everyone else see Uncle Sam?
3. :dunks phone into ice water:
4. Ok but those don’t look like khakis. Are you going to change?
5. Need. More. Data.
6. Can you explain again how gerrymandering works?
7. :breathes heavily:
8. Ah, the best of both worlds.
9. Gulp.
10. Maybe more than one? Just a guess.
11. Seems he’s more of a stop2stop.
12. (Parody account.)
13. Maybe the guy who bought Twitter can get on this next.
14. With a side of ranch.
15. Actually, wait, that tracks.
16. How you doing, Ohio?
17. Oh. Well, um.
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