Texting was an innovation of sexy communication. Remember trying to talk to your crush on the house phone, in fear that your mom will pick up the line? Now you can privately send sexy texts to your crush or partner anytime, anywhere–as long as you don’t accidentally text your mom instead.
But texting about sex can still feel awkward, and in the moment, it’s hard to think of sexy things to say.
So we compiled this list of hot things to text your partner. You can still reread them 100x, show them to your bestie, and edit a final copy before sending.
20 Hot Things to Text Your Partner
1. “I had a dream about you last night.”
Then make up a sexy dream instead of the dream about losing your teeth during a high school assembly. They’ll know you’ve been thinking about them all night.
2. “Tonight, you’re in charge.”
They’ll start making sexy plans for you. Let them take control in the bedroom, then force them to pick where to order take-out. Hey, they’re in charge.
3. “I still can’t walk straight after last night.”
They’ll remember how they made your legs all wobbly with orgasms. And it’s a good excuse for why, when they come home from work, you’re still in bed where they left you.
4. “What should I wear to see you tonight?”
They can pick out your sexy outfit, because you’ve been staring at the closet for hours and can’t find anything to wear. And you’ll know for sure that they love it.
5. “I can’t wait to see Krull the Warrior King tonight.”
Unless you picked a better name for their party zone, but we can’t think of one.
6. “Here is where I want you to kiss me tonight: my mouth, my neck…”
It’s a sexy to-do list for when you to-do-it later.
7. “This will be our soundtrack for tonight.”
Send your favorite song to get down to. They’ll be stiltedly rocking out to “Cbat” by Husdon Mowhawke, thinking of you.
8. Sexy emojis.
It’s like a game of horny Pictionary. If they can’t figure out what it means, they’ll be excited to find out.
9. “Let’s try this tonight.”
Send your favorite TV or movie sex scene to reenact. It’ll be hard to time travel to a sexy Scotsman, but they have all day to figure it out.
10. “I’m still thinking about our night in that hotel room.”
They’ll think it’s about the crazy sex you had, and not the body lotions you stole from the maid cart.
11. “Take this quiz to discover our sexual fantasies.”
Send a link to a sex fantasy survey like Mojo Upgrade. You’ll each fill out what sex fantasies you’re interested in exploring, and the survey will show which fantasies you’re both down to try.
12. “Let’s try this new position tonight.”
Find a list of new sex positions to try out. Even old standby sex positions like missionary can feel new again with a new angle.
13. “Next time we have sex, we’re not allowed on the bed.”
Making rules will force you to get creative with sex. Their minds will race with possibilities: the shower, the couch, the neighbors’ garage…
14. “Have you read the Kama Sutra?”
This is a book report they’ll actually want to do. Is there a movie version? Here’s some of the best positions if you need the Cliffs Notes.
15. If we could invite anyone in the world to a threesome, who would you pick?”
Even if you wouldn’t want to have a threesome IRL, it’s fun to fantasize. You can narrow it down to celebrities or fictional characters so it doesn’t feel like a trap to get your feelings hurt.
16. “I’m ready to really relax on my lunch break.”
Send a photo of you with your favorite solo toy. This is for WFHers only, unless your HR department is incompetent.
17. Imagine I’m unbuttoning your shirt…”
Sexting is often reserved for long distance relationships, but you should sext even if you’re having sex IRL later. They’ll be dying to make it a reality.
18. “You’re not allowed to cum again until I say so.”
Have them save up all of their sexual energy for the next time they see you. It’s like sexy Simon says where everybody wins.
19. Have you ever used this toy before?”
Send a link to a new sex toy–or a whole Amazon wish list.
20. “Want to skip out of work early to go play?”
Nothing is sexier than skipping rush hour traffic.
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