Thanks to dating apps, you no longer have to walk up to a total stranger and try to strike up a conversation in person. But you still have to have some sort of opening line to kick off an interaction and “hi” isn’t going to cut it. Whether you’re on Hinge, Bumble, or Her, having a few funny dating app openers in your back pocket is a great way to get the conversation going.
If your match is receptive, you’ll know you at least have a great sense of humor in common. Just wait for a few more exchanges before inviting them to your improv show.
To help you with the perfect opener, we compiled a whole list of flirty and fun ideas for you to try. Some are punny, some are cheesy, and they’re all way better than sending an unsolicited photo. Unless said photo is of your cat. Then, by all means, give Mr. Fluffybubbles more time in the spotlight.
The 50 Best Dating App Opening Lines
Thought-Provoking Questions
1. What’s your best pick-up line? Asking for a friend.
2. Tell me about your worst first date. I want to see if I can top it.
3. Do you put the toilet paper over or under? There is a wrong answer.
4. Describe your perfect date. Mine is April 25th, because all you need is a light jacket. [Author’s note: if they don’t get the reference, immediate unmmatch.]
5. If you were a Muppet, which one would you be?
6. Who would be your fictional role model?
7. Send me the last photo you took on your phone.
8. What was the last thing you Googled?
9. Roses are red, violets are…violet, right? It’s literally in the name.
10. Describe your day to me using only emojis.
11. We’re stuck in an elevator for three hours: how would you spend it?
12. What’s your guilty pleasure TV show?
13. What’s the best meal you’ve ever made? Other than breakfast for me soon. 😉
14. Are you a night owl or a morning person?
15. Show me your favorite meme.
16. What three characteristics are most important to you in a match?
Cute Pick-Up Lines
1. What if we skipped the awkward messaging and went right to the awkward coffee date?
2. Is it too soon to meet the parents?
3. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put “U” and “I” together and take care of that “LMNOP” situation.
4. I wish I had dental insurance, because you are too sweet.
5. Do you snore? Because I look sexy in ear plugs.
6. I’m doing a survey on hotties in my area. Can I ask you a few questions?
7. I must be one of your French girls, because you’re drawing me in.
8. Are you an angle that fell out of heaven? Because you’re acute and I’m bad at spelling.
9. You’re a 9 out of 10, because I’m the 1 you’re missing.
10. Do you restrict the flow of water to create reservoirs? Because, dam!
11. Alexa, play “funny pick up line.”
12. Call me Dog the Bounty Hunter, because I’m not letting you be the one who got away.
13. Oh no, we have to go back to the future! I’m missing from your photos.
14. I have to drink more water because I’m feeling thirsty.
15. Can I get a referral to an optometrist? Because I’m blinded by your beauty.
16. Can I get your number for insurance purposes? Because I’m about to crash into you.
17. I need a math tutor. Can we start with your number?
Funny Icebreaker Ideas
1. I hope you’re not lactose intolerant because I’m about to get real cheesy.
2. Send me a photo of your father’s current hair line. For science.
3. That shirt looks comfy. If I became your partner, could I have it?
4. My best friend thinks you’re cute. And I think it’s important to be your own best friend.
5. Do you like a bad girl? Because I’m bad at opening lines.
6. Fee-fi-fo-fum! I hate small talk.
7. I must have gotten my mortgage at the wrong time, because my interest is very high.
8. I’m DTGTKEO (down to get to know each other.)
9. Your [dog/cat/ferret] is so cute. Can you ask when they’d be available to meet up?
10. [Insert extremely charming and effective pick up line here.]
11. On a scale from 2008 Britney to current Britney, how free are you tonight?
12. Do you want candy? I have some in my van.
13. I’ve got an open spot on my Costco membership.
14. Not to brag, but my therapist says I’m making great progress on my commitment issues.
15. Talking to strangers is dangerous, so we should get to know each other fast.
16. Now that we’ve had apps, are you ready for dinner?
17. What’s a good first question to ask someone on a dating app?
18. I’ve been practicing my Mavis Beacon so I know my type when I see it.
19. So, what are your next two wishes?
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