Easter Nail Colors That’ll Look Great As You Hide the Eggs

Bring out the acetone because it’s time to spring clean the wintry mood right off those fingertips and replace them with these  Easter nail colors perfect for 2023. And don’t worry, you can wear these all season long. We’re efficient (and lazy) like that.

1. OPI Nail Polish in Achievement Unlocked

The only achievement you need to unlock this spring holiday is hitting up all the stores for the after Easter candy sale.

2. Cirque Colors in Sour Punch

Did you think you’d get through a list of Easter nail colors without being reminded of that very natural Easter basket grass color?

3. ella+mila in Cause I’m Happy

Easter is all about the thrill of the hunt. Of eggs, you animal. And every hunt needs some good orange accessorizing. Don’t tell us we’re wrong; we’ve seen all those ridiculous outfits.

4. Essie Nail Lacquer in Don’t Burst My Bubble

We know you said don’t burst your bubble, but have you ever thought about the fact there’s no Easter Bunny costume that’s not extremely terrifying and creepy? Anyway…this Easter nail color, at least!

5. butter LONDON in London Fog

As much as we hope for perfectly sunny Easter day to hunt for eggs, the holiday is still in the temperamental spring season. So if you’re feeling more in the rainy mood, reach for this muted color.

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