In life, some lucky people just get things handed to them. And we’re not talking about pamphlets reminding you to recycle. We’re talking about BJ Novak, who became an international model overnight, totally by chance.
Well, and because he’s a sensational actor and director who’s image accidentally got added to the public domain.
He recently discovered that a few years ago, a photo of his headshot mistakenly got uploaded for free use. Honestly this isn’t the worst thing to get leaked onto the Internet. (Berries and Cream, anyone?) And now, companies from all over the world are using it to sell their products.
Being the gem of a human being he is, he doesn’t care that he’s the latest spokesperson for things like razors and raincoats. Here are a few examples of BJ’s modeling highlights, plus a few other items you can get featuring BJ Novak’s face. Who knew he looked so much like Ryan from The Office!
13 Products You Can Get With BJ Novak’s Face On It
1. Electric Hair Clippers
Get the “Corporate Ryan Howard” goatee in no time with this fancy product. On second thought…maybe try mutton chops instead.
2. Electric Razor
Does it get rid of the scruff, or make the scruff? Dibs on a patent for the second idea, if Chia Pet doesn’t already have it.
3. Swedish Cologne
We can only hope it doesn’t smell like fish.
4. Blue and White Face Paint
Represent the colors of Uruguay’s flag! Or, a very confused zebra.
5. Full Body Raincoat
Need a last minute Halloween costume? This can be a “model” costume that’s way easier than anything from the Victoria’s Secret runway.
6. Ryan and Kelly Candle
Tell us you’re a fan of The Office without telling us you can quote seasons one through four in your sleep.
7. “Ryan Started the Fire” Mug
This is fine.
8. BJ Novak Face Magnet
This takes “babe magnet” to a whole new level. Maybe we don’t tell Kelly about this?
9. Dunder Mifflin Ryan Badge
Yes, we know that identity theft is a crime, Dwight! But we promise to use this responsibly. Like, to get free paper.
10. Ryan and Kelly Card
Honestly, they look just as good as peanut butter and jelly tastes. And way less sticky.
11. Ryan and Kelly Drawing
Hang this in the back of your Zoom background to keep people on their toes. Kelly’s death stare is the perfect way to say, “we’re 10 minutes past my lunch time.”
12. BJ Novak Face Sketch T-Shirt
We’re not sure if the drawer or the subject was tired for this portrait. But we are wondering about his sunglasses situation.
13. Ryan’s Favorite Branch Ornament
There’s something special about the combination of Christmas, The Office, and a pun. Santa Claus could never.
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