If it seems like your social feeds are being flooded with red flags, you’re not going crazy. At least not for this specific reason. The red flag meme trend is sweeping all platforms, with people calling out characteristics that should be warning signs to stay away.
From the lighthearted flaw of not liking iced coffee to a more serious lack of understanding about gender equality, this brutally honest trend is throwing shots. Some of which are fireball, others which are lukewarm Smirnoff Green Apple.
And some of them are incredibly helpful! Why should you only have your therapist tell you that not texting back is a red flag, when a random person with a gibberish handle can make the point just as well?
We spent way too much time scrolling through all of these accusatory emoji tweets to find the funniest, most relatable red flag memes so you don’t have to waste your whole afternoon on Twitter.
The 19 Best Red Flag Memes So Far
1. The original food faux pas.
2. There’s no way you make lasagna like my mom, so I’m going to disagree on that one.
3. Sing it, Dolly!
4. Or just come out and say it directly.
5. It’s never too early to teach kids the warning signs.
6. Rhymes with Schmazos….
7. As an Android user, I feel attacked. But also…I get it.
8. *slams computer and lights it on fire*
9. These are the same people who enjoy off-brand Cheerios.
10. At a sushi restaurant, Karen??
11. The women’s soccer team would like a word with you.
12. This is bad, but…
13. This is psychotic.
14. Unless you’re a river, every Type A person is going to fight you on this.
15. Any thoughts on Crocs?
16. Raise your hand if you’ve ever been victimized by a crush who’s not photogenic.
17. More offensive than clapping at the end of a movie.
18. Vikings is a masterpiece and we will fight anyone who disagrees. Especially now that we know how to use an axe.
19. Welp, there goes our love language.
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yall are funny