Halloween is just around the corner, which means it’s time to break out the punny Halloween hashtags so you can plaster them all over your Instagram captions. Kind of like the punch from last year’s Halloween party.
By now you’ve probably carved your pumpkins, made your Halloween party plans, and decorated your house with bats and bones? (Call us strange, but we like to keep our poltergeist around all year. He helps remind us we need to get out of the house more. Thanks, Gary!)
Get ready to #TrickorTweet. These Halloween hashtags will boost your posts to new heights and help you #CreepItReal. Want more wordplay? Check out these Halloween puns.

31 Halloween Hashtags for Instagram Captions
These are perfect for those homemade Halloween costumes, showing off your decor, or while sipping on that Hocus Pocus Frappuccino.
- #YassWitch
- #SquashItLikeItsHot
- #EyePA
- #EasyBakeCoven
- #BestWitches
- #Gourdnight
- #SquadGhouls
- #FangsSoMuch
- #GhoulIntentions
- #OhMyGourd
- #SkeletonsAintGotNoBody
- #GhostMeLikePatrickSwayze
- #BloodyMaryBrunch
- #ExorSisters
- #Spooktacular
- #CreepItReal
- #BeMyBOO
- #IfYouveGotItHauntIt
- #BurnBridgesNotWitches
- #WitchPlease
- #FeelinBatty
- #WitchYouWereHere
- #ScreamBrulée
- #YouAreBootiful
- #LoveAtFirstBite
- #8EyesFullHeartsCantLose
- #HappyHowloween
- #SinghoulLadies
- #HauntWhatYouGot
- #Fangs4TheMemories
- #WitchWay
Which Halloween hashtag is your favorite? Tell us below!
- 31 Spooky Halloween Hashtags for Your Instagram Captions - October 24, 2018
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