It’s almost Leo season, which means it’s time for some Leo memes. You queens of the jungle have been waiting — not so patiently — all year for these and now it’s your time to shine.
If you’re a Leo, you were born between July 23rd and August 22nd. Not only is your ruling planet is the Sun, you’re also a fire sign (like Aries and Sagittarius). Put all this together and according to astrology, Leos are known for being confident, charming, generous, courageous, fun, romantic, driven, and in charge.
If you are a Leo, you’re probably like, well, duh.
But… not all Leo personality traits are all good, as you’ll probably notice in these Leo memes. Before you start roaring at us, don’t blame the messenger. The personalities of the zodiac signs go back at least as far as Ancient Egypt, and are connected to the traits of the animals they represent, which in Leo’s case is a lion.
This means, sure, you all look great, know how make an entrance, and you’re totally charming. But… your pride can get in the way and your ego can be easily wounded. You can also be cunning, stubborn, pushy, arrogant, moody like a cat if you’re not the center of attention, and bossy. (Not Virgo-level bossy, though.)
30 Leo Season Memes
1. Who’s a good pupper?
2. Oh, it’s your turn?
How I'm going to be all #Leoseason
— LEO (@Leo_Tweets) July 23, 2019
3. Y’all got some trust issues you need to deal with.
4. Just how much attention do you need?
Astrology: Leo season coming up
Leos: Jan 1 – Dec 31 yep 🙂— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) July 3, 2021
5. Yes, we know what day it is.
Friend: What are you doing for the 4t-
Leos: The only national holiday I celebrate is my birthday— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) July 4, 2020
6. We’re starting to worry about y’all a little bit.
7. So dramatic.
8. Maybe it’s time for some inner work? Stop growling.
9. The first step is admitting it.
10. Like clockwork.
Absolutely no one:
Leo’s on July 23rd 😂:
— Bronxology 👑 (@MindBodyBronx) July 23, 2019
12. Were you just going to pretend you hate your birthday? Oh, ok.
13. This year Leo season might hit a little different.
HAPPY LEO SZN!!! aka hot girl summer szn, aka scream from the rooftops szn, aka love yourself szn, aka expressing yourself szn, aka bold fashion choices szn, aka create create create szn!!! 💖💖💖💖
— Astro Bebs (@astrobebs) July 23, 2019
14. When your Leo friend sleeps so much you wonder if they’re actually a cat.
15. About those naps…
16. You know the one.
17. Leos are having none of this cancer szn business.
Are you tired of crying, Cancers & feelings? Do you want glamour, big dick energy & success? 3 hours to Leo season.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) July 23, 2019
18. This does explain all the sulking.
19. Don’t worry. We still love ya.
Me reading Rude's Me Day One
tweets during of Leo szn:
Cancer szn:— ♡ (@moonclarified) July 23, 2019
20. Hot girl summer alert.
21. It’s so weird that you’re single again.
22. Just take the Kleenex. You need it more.
23. Dating a Leo? Here’s how to save yourself some trouble.
24. Come on, it’ll be fun!
25. Adorable.
25. Natural leader.
Leos filling out occupation on any form: Legend (but also low key terrified)
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) July 16, 2019
26. This is what Maslow intended.
27. Good kitty?
— 💖 PINK FUNERAL 💖 (@disqo_lemonade) July 3, 2019
28. What do you mean by “wrong”?
A Leo woman holding on to her point when she’s clearly wrong
— Le 🌊 (@1thing_Young) July 13, 2019
29. Competitive much?
30. Classic.
My fave 😂😂😂😂
— Kay 👑♌♥️ (@guess_lovher) July 3, 2019
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