Gone are the days when you’d make fun of your mom for wearing a hideous holiday sweater. Wearing outrageous ugly Christmas sweaters in 2022 is its own vibe. And the uglier, the better.
It’s a trend Gen Z has yet to squash, which also makes it the only safe option to rock at a holiday party with your younger cousins. Just don’t ask us about what jeans to wear. We haven’t been this confused since people randomly wore ties.
When searching for a funny Christmas sweater, there are a wide assortment to choose from. Options include everything from pop culture sensations like Napoleon Dynamite, to everyone’s favorite holiday topic – cryptocurrency. Ho-ho-how’s your portfolio doing?
Whether you’re headed to an office celebration, a family gathering, or your friend’s annual “I’m not going to drink too much this year” Christmas party, these ugly sweaters will be a hit. Even after your friend inevitably drinks too much eggnog.
The Best Ugly Christmas Sweaters for 2022
1. Tipsy Elves Natural Light Ugly Christmas Sweater, $59.95
If you’re feeling a bit nostalgic for all those late night college parties, this sweater is perfect. The only thing money can’t buy is that frat basement smell.
Available at Tipsy Elves
2. It’s Corn! Christmas Sweater, $44.99
Christmas carols are out. “It’s Corn!” is in. We don’t make the rules. We are all at the mercy of the TikTok algorithm. Hear that, Will Ferrell?
Available on Etsy
3. UFO Christmas Sweater, $28.60
Has anyone actually seen a reindeer fly? That’s the true conspiracy here. BRB, we have to go feed our pet alien.
Available on Etsy
4. I’m Into Fitness Ugly Christmas Sweater, $58.95
We knew we were doing fitness wrong! Three cheers for innovation. One cheers for this glass of milk.
Available on Etsy
5. Grinch My Day I’m Booked Christmas Sweatshirt, $39
Who stole our planner and shared it with the Grinch? But make sure you cross out “jazzercise.” We just learned about a way more fun method of fitness.
Available on Etsy
6. Let’s Taco Bout The Holidays Sweater, $28.30
Want to know what the best Christmas present would be? Not getting charged extra for guac. CC: Chipotle.
Available on Etsy
7. Beer Pong Ugly Christmas Sweater, $64.95
We don’t know what everyone else’s reason for the season is, but ours is beer pong. This one comes with six Velcro ping pong balls. We’ll bring the sweater. Santa’s got the beer.
Available at Tipsy Elves
8. Schitt’s Creek Funny Christmas Sweatshirt, $17.97
Who needs a hat when you’ve got Moira’s wig collection? They give “layering” a whole new meaning.
Available on Etsy
9. Light-Up He Sees You Ghost Face Ugly Christmas Sweater, $69.99
Ghostface may harass you over the phone, but Santa comes down your chimney without permission. Tell us again which one is more frightening?
Available at Spencer’s
10. Dirty Ugly Christmas Sweater, $35
When Mariah Carey just isn’t cutting it this year.
Available on Etsy
11. Macho Man Randy Savage Ugly Sweater, $43.99
“Cream of the crop” is a tad presumptuous. But what about the ugliest of the bunch? Do we hear a rumble with “it’s corn?” Yes, yes we do.
Available on Etsy
12. Christmas Reproductive Rights Sweatshirt, $45.11
Our favorite holiday tradition is picking out the year’s most controversial (read: best) ugly Christmas sweater to wear to family gatherings. Bonus points for repeating “Sleigh the patriarchy!” all night.
Available on Etsy
13. Cat Christmas Sweater, $42.97
Gift this one to your favorite cat lover whose cat is most definitely not plotting their demise. Maybe throw in some catnip for good measure?
Available on Etsy
14. Merry Cryptmas Cryptocurrency Knitted Christmas Sweater, $47.32
Ironically, you can’t purchase this with crypto. Hopes and dreams might work, though.
Available on Etsy
15. Dungeons and Dragons Christmas Party Sweatshirt, $36.39
This sweater will help you fight off that demogorgon. AKA Aunt Clara with the rock-solid apple pie and probing personal questions.
Available on Etsy
16. A Christmas Story Fragile Leg Lamp Sweater
This sweater is great for when you want to be festive, but also warn everyone of your current mental status. No one ever said we can’t multitask. And if they did, it’s probably someone who can’t even pronounce “Fra-GEE-lay.”
Available on Amazon
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